Friday, March 20, 2009

Springtime has arrived !!

It's the First Day of Spring today, and I can pretty much speak for's about time!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Miya and Baby....

Sara posted this pic on her blog and it was just too cute to pass up. Both Mom and Daughter have been under the weather, Hope you both feel better soon!!

Countdown to Cabo continues.....

Well my weight-loss program is STILL going very strong. I thought I would share a new milestone with all of you. Today for the first time in a VERY long time I am unofficially under 200 pounds. I weighed in at 198.4. YIPPEE !! Here are the facts, since October 2nd I am down 21.4 pounds, since January when I started the program I am down 13.4 pounds. Only 13 more pounds to go to reach my goal weight of 185. Nothing is going to stop me now!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Have I been up to this month?

I have been in Tucson, all month. It has been so relaxing and perfect weather. It's been in the 80's all month so far. Here is my routine. Get to my room, check messages and do trip trades. Then head to the pool for about 4 hours while I work on my tan for Cabo. Then its dinner time and an hour workout before turning into bed. Our pick up is 3:30 am so its lights out around nine. Not too shabby eh??

A very close call !!

I was walking home from the subway to find all of this going on right in front of my house. Do you see my car? Do you see the car that crashed into a cement flower pot and pushed it across the street and into the neighbors car? Did you see how close those skid marks are to my car? So close but not a single thing touched my car......Thank you oh guardian angel !!

Going through the camera....

I was looking for pics on my camera and came across these two shots I took. I liked them so much I thought I would post them for you to enjoy as well. Rebecca and Dustin with my Dad right before his retirement party.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow Day.....YES!!

If Connor had his way everyday would be a SNOWDAY!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't Forget......

It's my favorite time of the year, when the nights are shorter and the days are longer. Don't forget tonight when you go to bed to SPRING FORWARD ONE HOUR. Although this is the one we lose an hour of sleep, we gain much more daylight. Don't worry mom and grandma I will still call to remind you just as I always do. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Glamour Shots!

Well, Sorry for the lack of updates, but nothing new has really been going on in my life. I have been flying lots. Dustin and I are headed to Seattle tomorrow for my dad's official retirement party on Saturday. We will be there till Monday, so that should be fun. Hope you have a great weekend as well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Soooooo Bummed.......

Everyone knows I love extreme weather, especially snow. Well we finally get our first and probably last Nor'easter today. However I am sitting in a hotel room in DFW no where near the 14-18 inches of snow that is suppose to fall. Now one should be grateful that I don't have to drive or walk in it tonight, but I can't help feeling like I am missing out at the 1-3 inches of snow fall per hour. The sound of the wind howling and the brightness of the snow gleaming through the window. So here I sit and type and I will return to Boston to take part in the aftermath. Hey at least I don't have to shovel!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trying it out.....

Hey everyone. For my birthday, which I know is several weeks away, I asked for a new toy. It's called the Flip Video. Its a compact camcorder that is plug, play and enjoy. So I have been very excited to try it out and despite my appearance this morning I want to see just how easy it was to use. SO I hope to do a lot of fun videos for my blog, and I promise next time you see me, I wont look like I just rolled out of bed (cause I just did)!!